About Session 4

How To Prepare

  • Have a notebook or something to write on. It may become a journal you use for a long time.
  • Find a place that is quiet and have one more chair than you have people.
  • Open your heart and mind to something special.
  • It’s not required, but if you can, gather a small group of people to share the experience with.

You’ve Encountered Jesus, Now What?

Decision Prayer: Jesus, I believe in You. I believe You are the Son of God who died on the Cross for me and rose again to set me free. I know I have sinned, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I surrender my life to You. I want to leave behind the chains of the dungeon and follow You into the light of Resurrection. Be my Savior, my Lord, my God. I give You my heart, my life, my everything. Lord, lead me into Your Body, The Church, where I can grow in faith. Help me seek You in Your Word, the Sacraments, in prayer, and in the life You have called me to live. Amen.

Here’s what I want you to consider and write your response in your journal:

  • What emotions did you experience when writing your letter to Jesus? Were you excited? Hesitant? Unsure?
  • Jesus has given everything for you. What is holding you back from fully giving yourself to Him?
  • What does it mean to truly follow Jesus—not just in belief, but in action?
  • Following Jesus requires surrender. What is one area of your life that you need to hand over to Him?
  • Jesus is calling you to something greater. What is one concrete step you will take in response to this invitation?

If you are doing this in a group, consider just writing down some points and discussing them.

Small Group Why & How – Read More

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