About Session 3

How To Prepare

  • Have a notebook or something to write on. It may become a journal you use for a long time.
  • Find a place that is quiet and have one more chair than you have people.
  • Open your heart and mind to something special.
  • It’s not required, but if you can, gather a small group of people to share the experience with.

You’ve Encountered Jesus, Now What?

Here’s what I want you to consider and write your response in your journal:

  • What stands out to you the most about what you just saw?
  • How does knowing what I’ve done for you change the way you see Me?
  • How does knowing what I’ve done for you change the way you see yourself?
  • How does knowing what I’ve done for you change the way you see everyone else?

I’m not a distant God. I am your Savior, your friend, your rescue. Take a moment to let that truth settle in.

If you are doing this in a group, consider just writing down some points and discussing them.

Small Group Why & How – Read More

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