About Session 2

How To Prepare

  • Have a notebook or something to write on. It may become a journal you use for a long time.
  • Find a place that is quiet and have one more chair than you have people.
  • Open your heart and mind to something special.
  • It’s not required, but if you can, gather a small group of people to share the experience with.

There are questions that will make this experience have even more impact.

  • Where in your life is the enemy working to divide or discourage you?
  • How has he lied to you about Me, about yourself, or about others?
  • Where right now am I experiencing death? (This is personal, but share if you desire)
  • What are you thinking and what are you feeling right now after we have looked at the enemy?
  • Did God reveal something new to you about how the enemy works in your life? Please share if you can – you’re not alone like Satan tries to make you think.
  • How does the vision of the biblical story that the enemy is the enemy, not someone else and that he divides and accuses, change how we look at what is happening around us right now?

If you are doing this in a group, consider just writing down some points and discussing them. Then, over the next week, more deeply consider them. Do this in your notebook so you can have it in future sessions.

Small Group Why & How – Read More

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