Category: Encounter Related
God’s Plan for You – A Grand Adventure with Divine Purpose
Discover how embracing your divine purpose transforms your life into a grand adventure. Learn how living for Christ brings joy and fulfillment, turning you into a beacon of light in a dark world. Join us on this inspiring journey to become part of God’s rescue mission in “Counter-Culture Christianity: The Next Great Mission In A…
The Problem – Satan Is Real
In “The Problem – Satan is Real,” we explore Satan’s profound hatred for humanity and his destructive influence. This article delves into the spiritual warfare we face and how Satan’s strategies distract and overwhelm us, hindering our divine purpose. Discover the urgency of this battle and prepare for God’s plan to turn these dire situations…
Jesus Turns defeat Into Victory
In “Counter-Cultural Christianity 3: God Turns Dire Situations into Glorious Victories,” we explore how God transforms the darkest moments into triumphs. This article highlights Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, showing how the cross became a symbol of hope and love. Discover how Jesus’ victory over Satan, sin, and death empowers us to overcome spiritual challenges with…
Our Response to Christ’s Victory
In “Counter-Culture Christianity 4: The Choice We All Must Make,” we delve into the dramatic events of Jesus’ trial, exploring how each person involved tried to avoid making a decisive choice. The article highlights the stark contrast between Satan’s relentless hatred for humanity and Christ’s profound victory on the cross. It emphasizes that, like Pilate,…